Available Now

Leading the Global Launch of .MY

A global leader in Top Level Domains

.love .college .photo .gift .mom .theatre .auto .country .hiphop .guitars .dealer .game .cars .forum .bond .car .llp .storage .hiv .tattoo .diet .link .property .my .audio .rent .flowers .click .inc .trust .lol .help .sexy .pics .hosting .christmas .ky .security .juegos .xyz .blackfriday .protection

.love .college .photo .gift .mom .theatre .auto .country .hiphop .guitars .dealer .game .cars .forum .bond .car .llp .storage .hiv .tattoo .diet .link .property .my .audio .rent .flowers .click .inc .trust .lol .help .sexy .pics .hosting .christmas .ky .security .juegos .xyz .blackfriday .protection

Celebrating 10 years of internet naming

Since 2013, we have launched, operated, consulted for, and sold more than 40 gTLDs and ccTLDs. Today, we manage 20 TLDs that are carried by more than 200 registrars and resellers around the world.

.help .dealer .my .hiphop .xyz .hiv .pics .car .mom .ky .storage .property .security .sexy .country .inc .protection .juegos .forum .lol .cars .bond .trust .gift .christmas .photo .diet .game .guitars .click .college .rent .hosting .llp .audio .love .tattoo .link .theatre .blackfriday .flowers .auto

.help .dealer .my .hiphop .xyz .hiv .pics .car .mom .ky .storage .property .security .sexy .country .inc .protection .juegos .forum .lol .cars .bond .trust .gift .christmas .photo .diet .game .guitars .click .college .rent .hosting .llp .audio .love .tattoo .link .theatre .blackfriday .flowers .auto

.audio .auto .blackfriday .bond .car .cars .christmas .click .college .country .dealer .diet .flowers .forum .game .gift .guitars .help .hiphop .hiv .hosting .inc .juegos .ky .link .llp .lol .love .mom .my .photo .pics .property .protection .rent .security .sexy .storage .tattoo .theatre .trust .xyz

.audio .auto .blackfriday .bond .car .cars .christmas .click .college .country .dealer .diet .flowers .forum .game .gift .guitars .help .hiphop .hiv .hosting .inc .juegos .ky .link .llp .lol .love .mom .my .photo .pics .property .protection .rent .security .sexy .storage .tattoo .theatre .trust .xyz

.xyz .link .click .inc .security .christmas .rent .mom .pics .love .juegos .trust .audio .blackfriday .tattoo .theatre .auto .hiphop .help .car .property .photo .guitars .gift .hosting .dealer .country .game .forum .college .bond .hiv .storage .cars .llp .protection .ky .lol .flowers .diet .my .sexy

.xyz .link .click .inc .security .christmas .rent .mom .pics .love .juegos .trust .audio .blackfriday .tattoo .theatre .auto .hiphop .help .car .property .photo .guitars .gift .hosting .dealer .country .game .forum .college .bond .hiv .storage .cars .llp .protection .ky .lol .flowers .diet .my .sexy

.juegos .college .diet .llp .property .protection .rent .car .auto .flowers .theatre .country .inc .help .forum .bond .tattoo .sexy .security .audio .link .hiphop .click .lol .hiv .game .christmas .ky .storage .cars .xyz .love .blackfriday .trust .my .dealer .gift .guitars .pics .photo .mom .hosting

.juegos .college .diet .llp .property .protection .rent .car .auto .flowers .theatre .country .inc .help .forum .bond .tattoo .sexy .security .audio .link .hiphop .click .lol .hiv .game .christmas .ky .storage .cars .xyz .love .blackfriday .trust .my .dealer .gift .guitars .pics .photo .mom .hosting


  • "Shayan has one of the most impressive track records in the domain industry. Before working together, he had already launched 11 TLDs, including .XYZ, .INC, and .CARS, and sold millions of domains worth tens of millions of dollars. Shayan implemented new strategies on day one that resulted in a 300% increase in annual registrations and brought us outsized value by selling our TLDs in a groundbreaking auction format. He is one of the best executors in this business."

    Frank Schilling
    Founder, Uniregistry

  • "The .LOVE TLD is one of many assets we hold in our diverse investment portfolio, and we needed help from an experienced operator to maximize our ROI. Rather than dealing with the complexities of building our own staff, it made financial sense to engage Internet Naming Co. for full-service management. We saw an immediate lift in revenue and monthly registration volumes doubled in just four months."

    Matthew Merchant
    .LOVE Registry

  • “Shayan and I had an excellent working relationship for many years while I was at GoDaddy and he was managing TLDs like .XYZ and .INC. His deep knowledge of the domain industry has made him one of the few operators with significant success growing both high-volume TLDs for sub-$10/year and ultra-premium TLDs for $2,000+. He's brought innovation and fresh ideas to our industry while advancing best practices.”

    Rich Merdinger
    Former VP of Domains, GoDaddy